Friday, 3 July 2015

                                  Making Progress!

Images by:  Cj Henry and Andrew Kilfeather.

Instagram: @Clemymc
Facebook: Andrew Kilfeather Photography 
Instagram: @Andrewkilfeather

          For once I hadn't been looking at the forecast constantly. I had been working loads, and Cian was on holidays so I wasn't sure would I have a lift even if there were to be waves, therefore I wasn't too keen on looking and finding out that it was going to be pumping and I wasn't able to get there. 
         Anyway, Tadhg rang me up out of nowhere on Sunday night and says to me, "Going to be pumping up here tomorrow evening, get up here fast!!" He said I could stay at his house and that the spot we were going to would not work until about 2pm on Monday anyway! I had a look at bus times and found out I could leave at 6 in the morning from cork and eventually make it to Lahinch by 11:30am on Monday. I quickly gathered everything I needed and headed to bed for an early start the next morning. After a long bus journey I finally made it. Myself and Tadhg had some time to burn so we had a bite to eat while talking about the craziness that we were about to encounter. The legend himself Dan Skajarowski picked us up at 2pm and we headed for the coast. 


 Photo: Cj Henry

 We reached our location and started to walk through the numerous fields to get to the wave. It was well worth it as we were greeted by a 6ft bomb running all the way across the slab accompanied by a huge spit at the end. It was by far my biggest day out there and I knew I wouldn't go in if I watched it for too long, so I threw on my wetsuit and got out there as quick as I could. On my way out Stephen Kilfeather got the airdrop of the day right infront of me and from then on I wasn't scared anymore, I was just so stoked to be out there! I messed around with a few warm up waves and then a medium sized one came in. To be fair to the lads the gave me a chance to catch it so I gratefully took the chance and went. I dropped down the face on the biggest wave I had ever caught out there and made it all the way to the end. I was delighted. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. Here is the wave that got me this excited!
                                           My face of pure excitement when I made it!
                                                    Photos: Cj Henry

That was an average one that day. I must admit that on the big ones, Shane Meehan, Dan Skajarowski, Andrew Kilfeather Liam Grant and Fergal Smith were the standouts on the boog. I can honestly say that I have never seen bodyboarding like it. They were pulling in to these massive kegs so stylishly and smoothly and getting blown out of them at the end. It really inspired me for the next time I am out there. I have to catch a bomb! 

                                                          Dan on a lovely sunny one!
                                                                  Photo: Cj Henry

                                                   Shane Meehan Lining one up stylishly!
                                                          Photo: Andrew Kilfeather.

     The waves kept coming! I have to hand it to everyone out there, the surfers were going crazy! I have never seen anyone surf waves of this heaviness before and the lads put on a show! I think we can all agree that it was an amazing day of surfing, and one that I will never forget. Massive thanks to all the lads out there for all the tips and confidence. Can't wait for another day like it again!

                                        Me dropping into one of my bigger ones of the day!
                                                         Photo: Andrew Kilfeather.
                                                           Me shtallin the ball!
                                                      Photo: Andrew Kilfeather

Massive thanks to Andrew and Cj for the photos!
And thanks to my sponsors: Bigsurfshop and Proteus clothing.

                                                   Image result for proteus clothing

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